Niklas Bakos
Norrköping Visualization and Interaction Studio, Linköping University, Sweden
Claes Järvman
Norrköping Visualization and Interaction Studio, Linköping University, Sweden
Mark Ollila
Norrköping Visualization and Interaction Studio, Linköping University, Sweden
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: Special Effects and Rendering. Proceedings from SIGRAD 2002; Linköpings universitet; Norrköping; Sweden; November 28th and 29th; 2002
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 7:1, s. 5-10
Publicerad: 2002-11-28
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Work in dynamic image based rendering has been presented by Kanade et al. [4] and Matusik et al. [5] previously. We present an alternative implementation that allows us to have a very inexpensive process of creating dynamic image-based renderings of digitally recorded photo realistic; real-life objects. Together ith computer vision algorithms; the image-based objects are visualized using the Relief Texture Mapping algorithm presented by Oliveira et al [6]. As the relief engine requires depth information for all Texels representing the recorded object in an arbitrary view; a recording solution making depth extraction possible is required. Our eyes use binocular vision to produce disparities in depth; which also is the most effortless technique of producing stereovision. By using two digital video cameras; the dynamic object is recorded in stereo in different views to cover its whole volume. As the depth information from all views are generated; the different views from the image-based object are textured on a pre-defined bounding box and relief textured into a three dimensional representation by applying the known depth disparities.
[1] BOGACHEV; V. 1998. Guassian measures. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 62.
[2] JONES; D.; AND MALIK; J. 1992. ”A computational framework for determining stereo correspondence from a set of linear spatial features”. In EECV; 395–410.
[3] JÄRVMAN; C.; “Static and Dynamic Image-Based Applications using Relief Texture Mapping”; Linköping University; LITH-ITN-MT-20-SE. May 2002.
[4] KANADE; T.; NARAYAN; P.; AND RANDER; P. W. 1997. Virtualized reality: Constructing virtual worlds from real scenes. IEEE Multimedia 4; 1; 34–47.
[5] MATUSIK; W.; BUEHLER; C.; RASKAR; R.; GORTLER; S. J.; AND MCMILLAN; L. 2000. Image-based visual hulls. In Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; 369–374.
[6] OLIVEIRA; M. M.; BISHOP; G.; AND MCALLISTER; D. 2000. Relief texture mapping. In Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques; ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; 359–368.
[7] SONKA; M.; HLAVAC; V.; AND BOYLE; R. 1996. Image Processing; Analysis; and Machine Vision; second ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.