
Mythosbegreppet efter den aristoteliska dramateorins återtåg

Roland Lysell
Stockholms universitet, Sweden

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Ingår i: NORLIT 2009

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 42:12, s. 135-146

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Publicerad: 2010-04-27


ISSN: 1650-3740 (tryckt), 1650-3686 (online)


The concept of mythos is fundamental in Ancient Greek theatre and Aristotelian aesthetics. It is normative in different classicist doctrines from the 17th; 18th and 19th centuries and in 20th century popular culture it rules implicitly. In contemporary experimental theatre; especially that kind of theatre described by Hans-Thies Lehmann in Postdramatic Theatre; the concept of mythos has changed and mythos is just one of several elements in complicated dramatic structures.

In this article dramas by Elfriede Jelinek (Ein Sportstuück; Ulrike Maria Stuart) and Roland Schimmelpfennig (Auf der Greifswalder Strasse; Das Reich der Tiere; Idomeneus) are discussed; as well as the mises-en-scène by Einar Schleef; Nicolas Stemann and Jürgen Gosch.


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Aristoteles; Om diktkonsten; ny övers. av J. Stolpe; Stockholm (Anamma) 1994.

Jelinek; Elfriede; Ein Sportstück; Reinbek bei Hamburg (rororo); 1998.

Lysell; Roland; ”Sport; terrorism och djurens anatomi” i Den inre scenen. Psykoanalys & te-ater; (red.) Barbro Sigfridsson; Stockholm (STUTS); 2009; s. 39–64.

Schimmelpfennig; Roland; Auf der Greifswalder Straße i Theater Theater; Aktuelle Stücke 16; Frankfurt am Main (Fischer); 2006; s. 411–479.

Schimmelpfennig; Roland; Das Reich der Tiere i förf:s Trilogie der Tiere; Frankfurt am Main 2007; s. 87–156.

Schimmelpfennig; Roland; Idomeneus (stencil); Colombine Teaterförlag.

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