Publicerad: 2014-06-11
ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This study sought to examine the impression of product package designs featuring woodgrain printing through experiments and to find out impression differences they give depending on their patterns and printing methods. In particular; it focused on the “authentic” impression of the woodgrain patterns. The experiment used 15 samples with different combination of sheets with various woodgrain patterns or printing methods; shapes (box package); different pattern directions; etc. 100 male and female participants aging from 20s to 70s evaluated their impressions from the viewpoint of three evaluation items; “high-class”; “beautiful”; and “authentic”; through paired comparison tests. The test results were then put to the analytic hierarchy process and interval analytic hierarchy process. The analyses clarified the following features:
- The woodgrain patterns printed with the new printing method obtained high score in the “authentic” and overall evaluations;
- Different age groups and genders demonstrated different evaluation tendencies in assessing the “beautiful” and “high-class” features;
- No significant difference was observed between the evaluations for sheets and boxes;
- As for the printing method for the box side; participants found it more authentic-looking when the pattern on the top seamlessly continues to the side.
- The “high-class” evaluation item was found to be prioritized above the “beauty” and “authenticity”.
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