Frederico C. Figueiredo
INESC/DEI/IST, Lisbon, Portugal
Dena E. Eber
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA
Joaquim A. Jorge
INESC/DEI/IST, Lisbon, Portugal
Lars Kjelldahl
Nada, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
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Ingår i: The Annual SIGRAD Conference. Special Theme - Real-Time Simulations. Conference Proceedings from SIGRAD2003
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 10:13, s. 51--51
Publicerad: 2003-11-20
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
CGEMS; the online Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source is a web-based groupware application that supports the submission; review; acquisition and archiving of curricular resources to be used by educators. The rapid change of technology associated with computer graphics requires educators to learn new techniques and develop deeper insights on computer-generated images. As the core field becomes more mature; educators in all computer graphics disciplines have a greater need for highquality curricular resources. By providing a repository for such materials; we can achieve a higher standard of teaching worldwide.
The purpose of CGEMS is to provide tools to support the community of Computer Graphics educators. CGEMS will allow their work to be appraised; assessed and made available to others through an online server for refereed educational content.
Although small systems and groups of people exist who are trying to address this issue; there is currently no centralized worldwide-refereed repository for computer graphics educational materials. Here we present a system that supports a way for educators to easily access quality course materials and for contributors to share and get recognition for their curricular innovations.
The Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source (CGEMS) is an online system available through the URL The system includes a method for contributors to submit and editors to jury and control the quality of content to ensure sound and robust materials. The shape and components of CGEMS arose from fruitful discussions around; during; and after the Workshop on Computer Graphics Education [CGE02] held in Bristol; UK in July 2002. Figure 1 shows the CGEMS initial page.
[Fred03a] CGEMS – Computer Graphics Educational Materials Server; Frederico Figueiredo; Dena Eber; J. Jorge; ACM/SIGGRAPH Educators Program; 27-29 Julho 2003; San Diego; EUA.
[Fred03b] A Refereed Server for Educational CG Content; Eurographics 2003 Education Program; Granada; September 2003.
[CGE02] Proceedings; Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Computer Graphics Education; Bristol UK; July 2002.