Ola Nilsson
NVIS, Department of Technology, Linköping University
Mark E. Dieckmann
NVIS, Department of Technology, Linköping University
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: The Annual SIGRAD Conference. Special Theme - Real-Time Simulations. Conference Proceedings from SIGRAD2003
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 10:14, s. 53-53
Publicerad: 2003-11-20
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
For realism in computer graphics today rigid body physics is no longer sufficient. Models that take into account soft objects and deformations give better visual results; and allows for interaction with accurately modelled objects.
Due to increased computer power; haptic feedback from soft bodies is emerging as an possible method of augmentation for information presentation.
We are currently developing a framework for simulating and visualizing deformable body physics using the finite element method (FEM); where the simulations include haptic feedback. This framework will be able to handle a large class of fixed topology objects described by elasticity theory.
Zienkiewicz; O.C.; Taylor; R.L. 2000. The Finite Element Method. Volume 1; Fifth Edition; Butterworth-Heinemann.
Wu; X.; Downes; M.s.; Gotektekin; T.; Tendick; F. 2001. Adaptive nonlinear finite elements for deformable body simulation using dynamic progressive meshes; Eurographics Volume 20; Number 3.
Zhuang; Y. and Canny; J. 1999. Real-time simulation of physically realistic global deformation. SIGGRAPH99 Sketches and Applications.