Barbro Maijgren
QPM Consultants, Sweden
Stig Pettersson
Swedish Standards Institute (SIS), Sweden
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: Proceedings from the Third International Disposal Conference; Karlskoga; Sweden; 10-11 November; 2003
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 9:15, s. 83–87
Publicerad: 2003-11-07
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This project on Energy Recovery was established in 1990 by a Swedish initiative as an integrated part of a new committee when CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) founded and structured its Technical Committee TC 261; Packaging. An incentive for all this came from EU; which had started a preparatory work for a Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste.
TC 261was organised with four subcommittees (SC); each of them with several working groups (WG). The total number of WGs was 25. In TC 261/SC; 4 different WGs were organised:
- Terminology; symbols and LCA |
- Prevention |
- Degradability and composting |
- Reuse |
- Material recovery |
- Heavy metals and other dangerous substances |
- Energy Recovery |
- "Umbrella"/General approach |
During the first years of discussions on a draft directive; the document was an item of discussion at each meeting and many comments and proposals were sent to the Commission; i.e. DG XI (now DG Environment). The eighth draft was completed on the 20th of December 1994 as Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and packaging waste (Ref.1).
The environmental aspects are very important parts of the Directive; and in 1996 the Commission mandated work on Environmental packaging standards to TC 261 and its SC 4.
The results of this work were accepted gratefully by the CEN Members; but a few EU Member States reacted negatively. The solution of this impasse ended with a second mandate in 2001; a mission CEN/TC 261 now has fulfilled.
1. 94/62/EC Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste.
2. EN 13428:2000; Packaging – Prevention by Source Reduction.
3. CEN/CR 13695-1:2000; Packaging - Requirements for measuring and verifying the four heavy metals and other dangerous substances present in packaging; and their release into the environment - Part 1: Requirements for measuring and verifying the four heavy metals present in packaging.
4. CEN/CR 13695-2:2002; Packaging - Requirements for measuring and verifying the four heavy metals and other dangerous substances present in packaging; and their release into the environment - Part 2: Requirements for measuring and verifying dangerous substances present in packaging; and their release into the environment.
5. Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste.
6. a) EN 13431:2000; Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable in the form of energy recovery; including specification of minimum inferior calorific value.
b) prEN 13431; Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable in the form of energy recovery; including specification of minimum inferior calorific value. Revision to be published in 2004.
7. CEN/CR 1460:1994; Packaging - Energy Recovery from Used Packaging.
8. CEN/CR 13686:2001; Packaging - Optimisation of Energy Recovery.