
Which factors of business intelligence affect individual impact in public healthcare?

Rikke Rikke Gaardboea
Department of Business and Management, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Niels Sandalgaard
Department of Business and Management, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Tanja Svarre
Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

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Ingår i: Proceedings from The 16th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2018, Aalborg, Denmark August 28–29, 2018

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 151:17, s. 96-100

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Publicerad: 2018-08-24

ISBN: 978-91-7685-213-2

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In this paper, we examine the relationship between business intelligence (BI) quality, task characteristics and individual impact of the system from an end-user perspective at 12 public hospitals. 1,352 BI end-users answered the questionnaire. Linear regression was used to test the research model empirically. If organisations in the public health sector want high individual impact, the following factors are essential. Firstly, system quality must be high. Secondly, the system must support the tasks that the BI user solves with the system. Thirdly, task difficulty is positively and significantly related to impact. In conclusion, it is essential that the user perceives the task as being important. The user’s perception of task interdependency and task specificity does not influence individual impact. Future research should focus on different healthcare settings with different types of BI system.


Business intelligence, Public healthcare, End-user success.


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