Denis Chouvæv
Acreo AB, Sweden
Magnus Danestig
Acreo AB, Sweden
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Ingår i: GigaHertz 2003. Proceedings from the Seventh Symposium
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 8:19, s.
Publicerad: 2003-11-06
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
A substrate lens concept has been evaluated as possible design solution for low-cost automotive radar. Slot antennas with coplanar feed integrated on a quartz substrate are employed as radiators. Antenna slots are designed to operate at the first resonance to reduce their size and increase input impedance. Input reflection bandwidth (VSWR=2:1) of the slots is 2GHz centered at 24GHz. The lens is made of plastic material with dielectric constant equal to that of quartz to avoid excitation of surface waves. A 5-element array of slots has been designed to demonstrate discrete beam scanning in the lens system. Beamwidth of around 10º and deflection pitch of 8-12º have been measured. The measured values are in good agreement with theoretical predictions.
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