
Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment in the Production of Energy from Waste and Biomass Fuel

Bengt Sahlin
Ragn-Sells Miljökonsult AB, Sweden

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Ingår i: Proceedings from the Third International Disposal Conference; Karlskoga; Sweden; 10-11 November; 2003

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 9:20, s. 101–106

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Publicerad: 2003-11-07


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


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1. The working environment at Swedish waste burning plants. DRAV nr 23 1984.

2. The effect on the working environment during recycling of waste. Rapport 1998:2 and 1998:9 The Swedish Working Environment Authority.

3. The working environment at waste burning plants IVL B 935 dec. 1988.

4. The Fire statistics 2002 SVBF.

5. The OSH Statistics 2002 SWEA.

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