Erik Öjefors
Uppsala University, Dep. of Engineering Sciences, Sweden
Anders Rydberg
Uppsala University, Dep. of Engineering Sciences, Sweden
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Ingår i: GigaHertz 2003. Proceedings from the Seventh Symposium
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 8:22, s.
Publicerad: 2003-11-06
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
A packaging method for low cost 24 GHz MMIC:s with on chip antenna using LTCC carrier substrates and glob-top encapsulation is evaluated. Microstrip ring resonators are used for characterization of single and double layers of Ferro A6-S LTCC material at 24 GHz. Quality factors close to 100 are obtained; and good agreement with the manufacturers data is demonstrated. Five different commercial glob-top; side-fill and cavity fill materials are used to cover the LTCC ring resonators. Measurements show only minor degradation in resonator quality factor when glob-tops are applied; thus indicating low dielectric losses in the encapsulation material.
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[2] L. Li; B. Cook; and M. Veatch; “Measurement of RF properties of glob top and under-encapsulant materials;” in Proc. Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging; Cambridge; MA; vol. I; pp. 121-124; Oct. 2001
[3] R. Sturdivant; C. Quan; and J. Wooldridge; “Investigation of MMIC Flip Chips with Sealants for Improved Reliability without Hermeticity;” in Proc. MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp.; San Francisco; CA; pp. 239-242; Jun. 1996
[4] R. Kulke; W. Simon; A. Lauer; M. Rittweger; P. Waldow; S. Stringfellow; R. Powell; M. Harrison; J-P. Bertinet; “Investigation of Ring Resonators on Multilayer LTCC;” MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp; Workshop on Ceramic Interconnect Technologies; Phoenix; AZ; May 2001