Michal Musílek
Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Krávolé, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Štepán Hubálovský
Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Krávolé, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
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Ingår i: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Historical Cryptology HistoCrypt 2018
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 149:25, s. 137-143
NEALT Proceedings Series 34:25, p. 137-143
Publicerad: 2018-06-13
ISBN: 978-91-7685-252-1
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
University of Hradec Králové is one of the smaller public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. At present, there are about 7,000 students studying here. Even though at any of their faculties it is not possible to study a study program closely focused on cryptology, we pay attention to the historical and modern cryptology at the Faculty of Science in several subjects. Basic concepts, principles and methods of modern computer cryptology form an important part of the subject Computer and Data Protection. Principles of encrypting, decrypting and deciphering of basic substitution and transposition ciphers and the history of cryptology have become part of the subjects of Computer Science and Structured Programming in various degrees and with different approaches.
Boone, J. V. 2005. Brief History of Cryptology. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. 192 p. ISBN 1-59114-084-6.
Bukácek, D. 2013. Ciphers as motivation in the teaching of algorithms and programming. Diploma Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor. 118 p.
Hájková, S. 2015. Deciphering of transposition ciphers with computer support. Bachelor Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor. 41 p.
Hájková, S. 2017. Fundaments of cryptology as teaching topic in subject “Informatics” at lower secondary school. Diploma Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové.
Supervisor. 74 p.
Hanzalová, P., Hubálovský, Š., & Musílek, M. 2012. Automatic cryptanalysis of the short monoalphabetic substituted cipher text. In Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International
Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation. Sliema, Malta: Wseas Press. p. 199-204. ISBN: 978-1-61804-119-7.
Hanzalová, P. 2014. Using of spreadsheet in cryptanalysis of short cipher text. Bachelor Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor. 48 p.
Hubálovský, Š., & Musílek, M. 2010. Automatic cryptanalysis of the monoalphabetic substitution as a method of the system approach in the algorithm development thinking. International journal of applied mathematics and informatics. 4 (4), 92-102. ISSN 2074-1278.
Hubálovský, S., & Musílek, M. 2014. Algorithm for Automatic Deciphering of Mono-Alphabetic Substituted Cipher Realized in MS Excel Spreadsheet. Applied Mechanics and Materials. p. 624-627
Musílek, M., Hubálovský, Š., & Hubálovská, M. 2017. Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Codes with Variable Bit-Length. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 56 (1), 1-12. ISSN 0973-7545.
Musílek, M. 2012. Morse telegraph alphabet and cryptology as a method of system approach in computer science education. In Proceedings of 9th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics (DIVAI). Štúrovo, Slovakia: Wolters Kluwer. p. 223-231. ISBN 978-80-558-0092-9.
Musílek, P. 2017. History of ciphering of transposition ciphers with computer support. Bachelor Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor. 58 p.
Procházka, L. 2014. Board games, puzzles, anagrams and ciphers as motivation in the teaching of algorithms and programming. Diploma Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor. 75 p.
Procházka, L. 2012. Deciphering of substitution ciphers with computer support. Bachelor Thesis at Faculty of Science University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor M. Musílek. 37 p.
Singh, S. 2000. The code book: the science of secrecy from Ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography. New York: Anchor Books. 411 p. ISBN 0-385-49532-3.
Vlnas, V. 2017. Computer Analysis of Encrypted Correspondence of House of Piccolomini. Bachelor Thesis at Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové. Supervisor M. Musílek. 58 p.