John Redford
Eurobios SCB, 61 av. du Président Wilson, Cachan, France
Ana Bisinella De Faria
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, Chemin de la Digue, Maisons-Laffitte, France
Jean-Philippe Saut
Eurobios SCB, 61 av. du Président Wilson, Cachan, France
Jacques Robert
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, Chemin de la Digue, Maisons-Laffitte, France
Maria Albuquerque
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, Chemin de la Digue, Maisons-Laffitte, France
Jean-Pierre Merland
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, Chemin de la Digue, Maisons-Laffitte, France
Jean-Michel Ghidaglia
CMLA, ENS Paris Saclay, 61 av. du Président Wilson, Cachan, France
Ladda ner artikelår i: Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg, Germany, March 4–6, 2019
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 157:38, s. 8
Publicerad: 2019-02-01
ISBN: 978-91-7685-122-7
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This work presents a Modelica model for an ammonia stripper that is used to process waste (digestate) from a biogas production unit. The model includes the chemical balance equations between species in the liquid and gas, and includes the exchanges between both phases and the energy consumption of the unit. Results show the expected behaviour with an increasing pH with time, with further validation and calibration being necessary once experimental results are available. This is a novel use of Modelica designed to expand the library of processes that are simulated using this approach.
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