Koki Kusano
NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, Japan
Atsunobu Kimura
NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, Japan
Masayuki Ihara
NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, Japan
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: ServDes2018. Service Design Proof of Concept, Proceedings of the ServDes.2018 Conference, 18-20 June, Milano, Italy
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 150:42, s. 523-533
Publicerad: 2018-07-05
ISBN: 978-91-7685-237-8
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
In the highly volatile and uncertain world, integrating multi-viewpoints such as human-centered, technological and business viewpoints is necessary to design attractive and competitive service concepts. Generating synergy by combining diverse opinions from various stakeholders is also important. However, it is difficult, especially for technology researchers and developers who are design novices, to understand the importance of this approach in a short period of time. Our solution, ServDeWS, is a novel two-day workshop that tackles these problems. It has three main features as follows. 1. Selecting a target user from workshop participants and closely assessing the user’s situation, 2. Dividing work time into individual and group activities for better utilizing the diverse opinions of participants, 3. Taking the human-centered, technological and business viewpoints in isolation, and then integrating them for a multi-viewpoint understanding. We conduct a case study of ServDeWS and assess the effectiveness of this approach.
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