Publicerad: 2008-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Purpose: This paper presents a design study undertaken to develop a concept motorcar interior based on the Hulme F1 supercar exterior prototype. The study focused on generating an appropriate visual design proposal with the support of the Perceptual Product Experience (PPE) framework to guide design progress and validate design work.
Methodology/approach: Throughout the project; the PPE framework was used as a tool to specify; direct and evaluate design work and to support design decision making. Design research work was categorised in the stages of contextual research; contemporary design analysis; design development; and design evaluation. Evaluation was done using a small quantitative-qualitative survey with external respondents; employing VAS scales; Likert scales and open ended questions.
Findings: This paper illustrates how the PPE framework can be applied as an effective tool for establishing an appropriately and creatively managed design direction during the design development process. Providing a number of benefits for design research; the framework helps position; benchmark and develop visual design characteristics within a contemporary market context. The framework also supports the development of appropriate; valid and measurable experience design criteria; which traditionally is difficult due to the subjective nature of design perception. The outcome of the external evaluation indicated that intended experiential design criteria had successfully been transformed as perceived by the respondent group.
Originality/value: The structure and tools of the PPE framework to analyse; categorise; specify; direct and evaluate creative design work in an area where design work traditionally relies on intuitive and subjective approaches. This is of value for communicating; managing and direction design work on operational and strategic levels of design; and has the potential to contribute to the quality assurance of design processes.
Perceptual product experience; PPE framework; automobile design; interior design; method; evaluation; design project
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