Adnan Hrustic
Swerea SWECAST AB, Jönköping, Sweden
Per Sommarin
Swerea SWECAST AB, Jönköping, Sweden
Patrik Thollander
Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping , Sweden
Mats Söderström
Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping , Sweden
Ladda ner artikelår i: World Renewable Energy Congress - Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 57:5, s. 1513-1520
Publicerad: 2011-11-03
ISBN: 978-91-7393-070-3
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Swedish companies have since 2003 been able to get certified by an energy management system (EEMS) and companies that have been certified; can now show savings in energy use. The downside of today’s EEMs is that too few small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have chosen to certify such a system in the organization. To increase awareness and interest among SMEs; a simplified version of the EEMS would be desirable. This article presents a simplified EEMs for SMEs developed from the original European standard (SSEN 16 001). The article describes how the simple EEMS was developed and how the system was validated; i.e. how different companies responded to test-runs of the developed simplified EEMS. By testing the simplified EEMS in practice among various SMEs; different needs from the industry have been documented. The requests that were of greatest importance was how different incentives can be designed to increase the certification level; e.g. tax exemptions etc. The Swedish LTA for energy-intensive industries includes tax exemptions; as well as the certification of the European EEMS standard; and has shown to lead to large energy savings. An examples of a future energy policy could thus be a Long-Term Agreement (LTA)s program for SMEs including the simplified EEMS.
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