Publicerad: 2008-02-15
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Quality; performance excellence; quality management; quality assurance; integration; networked business; interactive collaboration; organizational learning
The text above is a short version of the more comprehensive text that is available from the following Internet page:
1. Anttila J (2006). Modern approach of information society to knowledge work environment for management; IEEE: International conference on industrial technology ICIT 2006; Mumbai;
2. Anttila J (2004-1). Quality management in networked and flexible organizations; Conference on quality management; Tehran;
3. Anttila J (2004-2). Tacit knowledge as a crucial factor in organizations’ quality management; Quality Conference; Ostrava Czech Republic;
4. Anttila J; Savola R; Kajava J; Lindfors J (2007). Fulfilling the Needs for Information Security Awareness and Learning in Information Society; The 6th Annual Security Conference; Las Vegas
5. Anttila J (2005). Good management principles;
6. Anttila J (2004-3). From quality documentation and IT systems to leveraging the usage of information and knowledge for the purpose of managing business performance;
7. Downes S (2004). The Buntine Oration: Learning Networks;
8. Siemens G (2004). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age;
9. Arina T (2006). About Dicole concept;
10. Nonaka I; Toyama R; Konno N (2000). SECI; Ba; and leadership: A unified model ofdynamic knowledge creation. Long range planning 33; Pergamon
11. O’Reilly T (2005). What is web 2.0;
12. Senge P; Roberts C; Ross B; Kleiner A (1995). The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook; Nicholas Brealey Publishing Limited; London
13. ZEF Solutions (2006); Improve the results of your evaluations;
14. Stacey R D (2002/2003). “Organizations as complex responsive processes of relating”. Journal of Innovative Management Vol. 8; No. 2; Salem USA
15. Naidoo M (2005). I am because we are (A never ending story). The emergence of a living theory of inclusional and responsive practice; Bath;
16. Peppers D; Rogers M (1999). Enterprise one to one. Tools for competing in the interactive age; Currency Doubleday; New York
17. ISO (2007). ISO/CD 9004; Managing for sustainability – A quality management approach; Standard draft for 2009; ISO; Geneve
18. ISO (2005). Next Steps in your journey to sustainable success / performance excellence; view.html?func=ll&objId=1069636&objAction=browse&sort=name
19. ISO/TC176/SC2/WG18 (2006). Management learning grid (A draft document)
20. NIST; National Institute for Standards and Technology (2006). Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award; Award Criteria 2007; National Institute for Standards and Technology; Washington