
Phase Noise Performance of Sapphire Microwave Oscillators in Airborne Radar systems

T. Wallin
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sweden

L. Josefsson
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sweden

B. Lofter
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sweden

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Ingår i: GigaHertz 2003. Proceedings from the Seventh Symposium

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 8:54, s.

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Publicerad: 2003-11-06


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


One performance limiting factor in many Radar Systems is the phase noise of the frequency reference source. Oscillators based on sapphire loaded cavity resonators with their extremely low phase noise are good candidates as frequency sources in future Radar Systems. A vibration sensitivity of 5x10-10 per g for this type of oscillator has been reported.

Phase noise performance of a compact sapphire microwave oscillator measured under realistic vibration conditions; however; has not been published. We will present results measured during random vibration corresponding to two different airborne radar applications. During the measurements the oscillator was mounted with anti-vibration suspension.


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[1] C. McNeilage; J.H. Searls; P.R. Stockwell; E.N. Ivanov; M.E. Tobar; and R.A. Woode; “Advanced Phase Detection Technique for the Real Time Measurement and Reduction of Noise in Components & Oscillators”; Proc. 1997 IEEE Int. Freq. Cont. Symp.; pp. 509-514.

[2] P. Stockwell; C.McNeilage; M.Mossammaparast; D.M.Green; J.H.Searls; “3-axis Vibration Performance of a Compact Sapphire Microwave Oscillator” IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium; June 2001

[3] Poseidon Scientific Instruments; see http://www.psi.com.au (date:2003-02-27)

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