
Transformative Services and Transformation Design

Daniela Sangiorgi
ImaginationLancaster, Lancaster University, UK

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Ingår i: Conference Proceedings; ServDes.2010; Exchanging Knowledge; Linköping; Sweden; 1-3 December 2010

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 60:6, s. 65-75

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Publicerad: 2012-09-20

ISBN: 978-91-7519-770-8

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper claims how the parallel evolution of the conception of services and of Design for Services toward more transformational aims; would require a collective reflection on and elaboration of guiding methodological and deontological principles. By illustrating connections with similar evolutions in Participatory Design (from ‘Design for use before use’ to ‘Design for Design after Design’); Public Health Research (patient engagement and ‘empowerment’) and Consumer Research (Transformative Consumer Research); the author identifies key characteristics of transformative practices that ask for more ‘reflexivity’ on the designers’ side. Developing Design profession as contributing to society transformative aims is extremely valuable; but it carries with it also a huge responsibility. Designers; the author argues; need to reflect not only on how to conduct transformative processes; but also on which transformations they are aiming to; why; and in particular for the benefit of whom.


Transformative services; transformation design; Design for Services


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