Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 177 (2019)
NEALT Proceedings Series 43 (2019)
Redaktör(er): Eckhard Bick and Trond Trosterud
Publicerad: 2019-12-03
ISBN: 978-91-7929-918-7
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Antal sidor: 49
1 A modular grammar-helping tool for Basque: work in progressIzaskun Aldezabal, Jose Mari Arriola and Ainara Estarrona
2 Tagging What Isn’t There: Enriching CG Annotation With Implicit InformationEckhard Bick
3 Constraint Grammars for Tibetan Language ProcessingChristian Faggionato and Edward Garrett
4 Developing a constraint grammar for LithuanianFrancis Trey Jagiella
5 Disambiguating homonymous enclitics in GreenlandicLiv Molich
6 CG Roots of UD Treebank of Estonian Web LanguageKadri Muischnek, Kaili Müürisep and Dage Särg
7 Modelling Plains Cree Negation with Constraint Grammar Katherine Schmirler and Antti Arppe
8 Many shades of grammar checking - Launching a Constraint Grammar tool for North SámiLinda Wiechetek, Sjur Moshagen, Børre Gaup and Thomas Omma
9 Constraint Grammar is a hand-crafted TransformerAnssi Yli-Jyrä