Tony Barrera
Barrera Kristiansen AB
Anders Hast
Creative Media Lab, University of Gävle, Sweden
Ewert Bengtsson
Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University, Sweden
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Published in: SIGRAD 2005 The Annual SIGRAD Conference Special Theme - Mobile Graphics
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 16:1, p. 1-5
Published: 2005-11-23
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
We present a technique that can be used to obtain a series of connected minimal bending trigonometric splines that will intersect any number of predefined points in space. The minimal bending property is obtained by a least square minimization of the acceleration. Each curve segment between two consecutive points will be a trigonometric Hermite spline obtained from a Fourier series and its four first terms. The proposed method can be used for a number of points and predefined tangents. The tangent length will then be optimized to yield a minimal bending curve. We also show how both the tangent direction and length can be optimized to give as smooth curves as possible. It is also possible to obtain a closed loop of minimal bending curves. These types of curves can be useful tools for 3D modelling; etc.
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