Johan Fornäs
ACSIS och Tema Q (Kultur och samhälle), Linköpings universitet, Sweden
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Published in: Kultur~Natur
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 40:1, p. 7-9
Published: 2009-10-26
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
This is the slightly revised opening of the Swedish cultural studies conference “Culture~Nature”; organised by the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Swe-den (ACSIS) in Norrköping 15-17 June 2009. Johan Fornäs is Professor at the De-partment of Culture Studies (Tema Q) and Director of the ACSIS national centre for interdisciplinary cultural research. The text gives a general background to the topic and structure of this conference.