Published: 2008-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Purpose: Quality of Service (QoS) is a not new word now and it has become more of a necessity than a choice. If organizations want to have competitive edge in the industry they need to introduce quality based practices. With the increasing focus on the quality measures in all sectors; it is also the need of education sector for applying service quality concepts to business education.
Design/Methodology/Approach: In this paper certain quality indicators are identified for the business schools of Pakistan by conducting a comparative study between public and private sector business schools. The purpose of this study is to incorporate quality indicators and measuring QoS delivery; as a result of that business schools may be able to create benchmarks of quality to be used in other schools to sustain quality education.
Findings: Currently in Pakistan; there are few business schools which are providing quality in the limited context of teaching only; and have not been able to effectively focus on Quality of Service delivery to the external customers that is students. A preliminary model for Quality of education is designed and later on a comparative study between the public and private business schools of Pakistan is conducted.
Value: There is a lot of emphasis on class quality; that is; Quality of Education (QoE) where as process quality is equally important but ignored in Developing Countries (DCs) like Pakistan. The paper attempts to create an awareness of having a tradeoff between QoS delivery and QoE by maintaining the impact of QoE as opposed to quality of teaching in determining the overall quality of organization.
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