Anton Haumer
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Christian Kral
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Hansjörg Kapeller
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Thomas Bäuml
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Johannes V. Gragger
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Download article in: Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference; Como; Italy; 20-22 September 2009
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 43:100, p. 847-854
Published: 2009-12-29
ISBN: 978-91-7393-513-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
This paper presents how losses of electric machines are modeled as an extension of the Modelica. Electrical.Machines library. The theoretical background of the different loss models is elaborated and a Modelica implementation – the AdvancedMachines Library – is presented. Additional examples demonstrate the usage of the library.
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