Conference article

Quality Assessment of Academic Initiatives for Higher Education Research in Pakistan

Javed Ali Memon
Higher Education Commission Sector H9 Islamabad, Pakistan

Ali Sajid
CASE, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan

Moeen Qureshi
Higher Education Commission Sector H9 Islamabad, Pakistan

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Published in: 11th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organizational Development Attaining Sustainability From Organizational Excellence to SustainAble Excellence; 20-22 August; 2008 in Helsingborg; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 33:12, p. 141-150

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Published: 2008-12-09


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Higher education sector is facilitating higher learning institutions for the socio-economic development in country. Number of program and initiatives has been taken for improvement of higher learning viz. strengthen IT infrastructure; faculty development; improving access and leaning; excellence in research; good governance & management; quality assurance in standards; assessment & accreditation etc.

The university-industry interaction provides quality enhancement to two entities. higher education sector; in which research through practical approaches is being groomed and Industries in which quality dimension is in existence will likely to result its end products to compete in era of globalization.

The overall study will focus to define and assess the quality dimensions with various policies being practiced at higher education sector for overall quality of research at higher educational level with a view to fill the gap between industry and academia.

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess the integration of existing research being undertaken at Pakistan for socio-economic growth of country. In the context the study intends to identify and suggest various policies; procedure and some sort of standards to work as bridge element between academia and industries. The study will also explore how HEC can provide facilities to universities to fulfill initial requirement of industrial sector and at the same time monitor the facilities using some effective mechanism.

Methodology: The paper will analyses the current initiatives of higher education sector related to industry academia relation and propose the selected quality indicators for use in management audit of respective programs.

Findings: The study will assess how higher education sector intervening help to improve quality of Education in Pakistan. It will also review its role to strengthen industry academia relation by playing the key role in the economic development of Pakistan.

Value of Paper: Publications of this paper will help policy maker/higher education sector to design/upgrade/modify the existing initiatives being undertaken in developing nations.


Research & development; carrier appraisal; collaboration; assessment & evaluation; scientific solution; area of study


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