Rong-Jyue Fang
National Tai-Tung Teachers’ College, Taiwan
Hung-Jen Yang
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
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Published in: PATT 1996. Proceedings from the conference "Pupils Attitude Towards Technology"
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 5:13, p. 111-119
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 0 5:13, p. 111-119
Published: 2001-01-19
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The 20th century has been characterised by many unprecedented changes in every aspect of life. Education system has been reacted slowest to our rapid changing society. Traditional instructional methods and facilities made us feel awkward when we are dealing with fast global competition. Technology Education may be an alternative to meet this need.
The purpose of this research was to analyse the needs and goals of elementary school technology education in Taiwan and to propose implementing policies. This research reviewed the related literature to answer the following questions:
- What is the goals of elementary school technology education?
- What should every child need at the elementary level relate to technology education? then;
- Considering of the characteristic of learners and the background factors of the whole educational system in Taiwan.
Literature subjects and topics related to the establishment of this study are also discussed in this paper:
- The Taiwan educational system
- Current status of Technology Education at all levels which include formal and informal education
- Technological policies at national level
- Basic nationalism literacy and technological literacy.
In the finding; this study proposed some available policies and the possible implementing strategies.
In Taiwan; the society has progressed technologically. Thus; we have become aware that a new form of literacy is required if all the citizens are able to function effectively. In 1990 National Technology Education Council; all attended scholars and expertise of technology education suggested that National Science Council should promote the research of the meanings and contents for technology literacy education with the highest priority to upgrade the people’s technology literacy and to progress the development of nation’s technology status.
Scholars in education had stated that disciplinary knowledge and cultural literacy were the primary ingredients for achieving an educated citizenry. Technology literacy was an important component of cultural literacy. Schools could make effective contribution to deliver the major concepts and understandings of technology literacy needed by all citizens.
There were three characteristics of the implementing policies:
- Integrating teaching and integration learning
- Progressively expanding the influence
- Connecting to the junior high school curriculum
Current technology education in Taiwan begins at the junior high school level. Elementary school technology education is just a new-born stage. At this stage; integrating technology literacy into subjects existed for teaching could implement right now. Through conferences and meetings; concepts of technology education could introduce to administrators and teachers. Through in-service training; integrated learning activities could be design and verified. Through teacher preparation program; students could be well prepared for teaching elementary technology education.
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