Published: 2001-01-25
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The purpose of this paper is to study the use of the perfect tense in Swedish in connection with time adverbials that anchor the situation explicitly in the past; e.g. Jag har mött din bror igår ’I have met your brother yesterday’. Although this usage is not generally acceptable it occurs; as our examples also show; in certain contexts. Nevertheless; fairly little is known about the conditions for this usage of the perfect in Swedish.
We discuss general conditions for the use of past (i.e. preterite) and perfect tenses in Swedish and study certain uses of the perfect that are noted in grammars as deviations from the standard. We then proceed to a more detailed analysis of authentic data from speech and writing where the perfect is combined with explicit past time reference.
The analysis shows that the perfect is used with definite past time reference for several discursive reasons. The perfect may be favoured instead of the preterite when the result of an action has a notable constant relevance; when a series of actions is textually reconstructed or recontextualised; when the perfect contributes to thematic continuity in discourse. Furthermore; the use of the perfect has a contrastive potential; which is clearly manifest in contexts where it highlights new; even surprising aspects of a current topic.
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Hbl = Enstaka nummer av tidningen Hufvudstadsbladet.
INK = Interaktion i en institutionell kontext; Institutionen för nordiska språk och nordisk litteratur & Institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap; Helsingfors universitet.
LOP = Läkare och patient; FUMS.
Press 97; 98 = Språkdata; Göteborgs universitet.
SAM = Svenska samtal i Helsingfors; Institutionen för nordiska språk och nordisk litteratur; Helsingfors universitet.
SFI = Webbsida:
RK = Gula boken – Handläggningen av ärenden i Regeringskansliet på webbsidan