Conference article

RIS/PACS implementation calls for changes in work processes and organizational structure

Karsten Ulrik Niss
Department of Health Science and Technology, Medical Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark

Ole Hejlesen
Department of Health Science and Technology, Medical Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark/Department of Computer Science, University of Tromsø, Norway

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Published in: Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 161:5, p. 31-36

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Published: 2014-08-20

ISBN: 978-91-7519-241-3

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


A Readiness for Change survey was conducted in a radiology department at large Danish University Hospital’s in connec-tion with the implementation of RIS/PACS in 2005. The survey was part of a research project concerning organizational factors in the implementation of RIS/PACS and aimed to evaluate the preparedness for the new system and obtain staff members’ assessments of co-operation in and among profes-sional groups. A follow-up survey conducted in May 2014 shows that nine years after the RIS/PACS implementation; users continue to call for changes in system functionality and work processes; and point out organizational shortcomings. Co-operation in and among professional groups was assessed at the same level as in 2005. The new survey corroborates the 2005 respondents’ expectations for change in work processes and organizational structure in as far as their retrospective as-sessment of the significance of work processes and organiza-tional structure when implementing RIS/PACS remain un-changed. It is concluded that the implementation of RIS/PACS involves not only technological issues but also affects tasks; actors and structure in the department; as predicted by Leavitt.


Organizational change; Radiology information system; PACS (radiology); Evaluation studies; Aalborg University


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