Cecilia Cassinger
Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden
Henrik Loodin
Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden
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Published in: Kulturstudier i Sverige. Nationell forskarkonferens
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 15:17, p. 209-217
Published: 2005-12-30
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
As the final outpost in the distribution chain towards the end-customer; retailers are able to address consumers from a physical demarcated place: the store. Within the traditional marketing management literature store image has been viewed as a quite durable concept existing in the human mind; thereby image is neglected as an ongoing process embedded in the cultural context on which it depends. In this paper we take an intertextual approach to understanding store image. The concept of intertextuality illuminates that texts are never original; but endlessly referring to other disparate texts within the realm of cultural production where customers and retailers are located. By means of a series of observations at the ikea store in the Swedish town Malmö; we argue that the image of the store can be metaphorically understood as a narrative constituted by volatile compromises resulting from the continuous negotiations between retailer and customers. Towards the end some suggestions on how customers and retailers may increase their negotiation skills are given.
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