Conference article

Texture and Fixture: Understanding Urban Communication Geographies

André Jansson
Media and Communication Studies, Karlstad University, Sweden

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Published in: The ESF-LiU Conference Cities and Media: Cultural Perspectives on Urban Identities in a Mediatized World Vadstena; Sweden; 25-29 October; 2

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 20:2, p. 21–29

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Published: 2007-03-06


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


The paper discusses the ambiguous character of spaces in-between the panoramic “concept city” and the immersive “thick city”. It is argued; firstly; that the theoretical understanding of such intermediary urban spaces in general; and intermediary communication geographies in particular; has been underdeveloped in media studies. These spaces are crucial if we are to grasp the reproduction and change of cities – notably the interaction between images; representations and social practice. Secondly; it is argued that the concepts of texture and fixture are appropriate for a re-thinking of intermediary communication geographies. Texture refers to the communicative fabric of space – shaped as networks of/for circulation – symbolic as well as material in kind. Fixtures are the strong points in textural webs. They contribute to the reproduction of textures; while at the same time working as nodes of circulation. They appear as both hermeneutic loci (festivals; rituals; cultural scenes; etc) and more material infrastructural nodes (web servers; media buildings; outlets; etc); with no clear boundaries in-between them.


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