David McConville
Planetary Collegium \ Fuller Institute
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Published in: State of Climate Visualization
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 45:2, p. 9-18
Published: 2009-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
This essay encourages a reflective approach to communicating the urgency of global change issues. Recognizing that multiple factors shape personal intuitions and interpretations of the world; it seeks to highlight some of the entrenched paradigmatic assumptions that continue to reinforce misperceptions about humanity’s relationships to the natural world. Multiple critiques of how these misperceptions arise are summarized; and alternate proposals that encourage expanded comprehension of the integral role played by humans within nested eco-systems are considered. It concludes with a description of a communication strategy based on literal and metaphorical interpretations of the term “worldview;” employing immersive scien-tific visualizations to experientially expand perspectives on these critical issues.
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