Conference article

Reconstructing the Pupils Attitude Towards Technology-Survey

Jan Ardies
Karel de Grote University College & University of Antwerp

Sven De Mæyer
University of Antwerp, Belgium

Hanno van Keulen
Utrecht University, The Netherlands

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Published in: PATT 26 Conference; Technology Education in the 21st Century; Stockholm; Sweden; 26-30 June; 2012

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 73:2, p. 22-31

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Published: 2012-06-18

ISBN: 978-91-7519-849-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


In knowledge based economies technological literacy is gaining interest. Technological literacy correlates with the attitude towards technology; therefore; when measuring technological literacy as an outcome of education; one should take the attitude towards technology into account. This requires a valid; reliable instrument that should be as concise as possible; in order to use it in correlation with other instruments. We therefore reconstructed the Pupils’ Attitude Towards Technology (PATT) instrument. We validated and piloted this and used it in a large study. This resulted in an instrument with six subscales and 24 items of attitude towards technology that is easy to use and evaluate. The six items are: Career Aspirations; Interest in Technology; Tediousness of Technology; Positive Perception of Effects of Technology; Perception of Difficulty and Perception of Technology as a Subject for Boys or for Boys and Girls.


Attitude measurement; technology education; technological literacy


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