Joachim Lundberg
Department of process, energy and environmental technology, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway
Mathias Henriksen
Department of process, energy and environmental technology, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway
André Gaathaug
Department of process, energy and environmental technology, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway
Download article in: Proceedings of the 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 58) Reykjavik, Iceland, September 25th – 27th, 2017
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 138:23, p. 168-173
Published: 2017-09-27
ISBN: 978-91-7685-417-4
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
An image processing routine was developed to
determine the flame height of a hydrogen jet flame. Two
different techniques was tested, where one where based
on Wiens distribution of a black body and one based on
intensity of the flame. The method based on intensity
gave the best results.
Image Processing, Hydrogen jet, Wiens
distribution, Experimental, high-speed imaging.