Rodrigo Ventura
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Pedro Aparicio
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Pedro Lima
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Luis Custodio
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
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Published in: RobocCup-99 Team Descriptions. Small and Middle Leagues
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 3:24, p. 150-159
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 4 3:24, p. 150-159
Published: 1999-12-05
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The SocRob project was born as a challenge for multidisciplinary research on broad and generic approaches for the design of a cooperative robot society; involving Control; Robotics and Artificial Intelligence researchers. A case study on Robotic Soccer played by a team of 3 robots has started two years ago and was first tested last year during RoboCup98. This experience has clearly revealed that the robotic soccer environment is a sufficiently rich; complex and dynamic testbed to study new methodologies both on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Therefore; the SocRob team is currently working on the SocRob project improvements and intends to compete at the World Cup of Robotic Soccer; RoboCup99; held in Stockholm; Sweden; in the middle-size league. In this paper the basic aspects of last year implementation as well as the improvements made meanwhile are briefly recalled and presented. Naturally; a special emphasis is given here to the novel solutions proposed for this year implementation; the results obtained and the expected future developments.
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