Paula Kuosmanen
Christina Institute for Women’s Studies, University of Helsinki, Finalnd
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Published in: Proceedings of the Sustaining Everyday Life Conference
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 38:26, p. 151-151
Published: 2010-11-05
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The paper focuses on queering in everyday life by presenting the tactics of lesbian mothers in various everyday spaces. In this paper the act of queering is analyzed as a moment of questioning the heteronormative backdrop of everyday life. This paper focuses on how Finnish lesbian mothers queer the taken-for-granted heteronormativity of everyday spaces through parenting practices and by living their cyclic daily life. The analysis of the interview material (31 in-depth interviews) implies a broader theoretical question: If the act of queering presumes an overt citation of queer representations; acts or sexual identities; how can queering be done in places; which are polished as nonsexual; like in children’s places; or in everyday life with its unarticulated indistinctiveness; the daily backdrop; which has become habitual? The connections between temporality and everyday life bring to the fore the un-eventfulness of everyday life and its opposite character to the transgressive moments. The paper is based on my PhD-thesis on Finnish lesbian mothers’ everyday spaces.
Literature: Valentine; Gill: Queer Bodies and the Production of Space. In Richardson; Diane and Seidman; Steven (eds.) (2002) Handbook of Lesbian & Gay Studies. London; Sage.