Björn Eriksson
Global Mobile Systems (GMS), Parker Hannifin, Borås, Sweden
Vivek Bhaskar
Technology, Commercialization and Support team (TCS), Parker Hannifin, Charlotte, U.S.A.
Ralf Gomm
Technology, Commercialization and Support team (TCS), Parker Hannifin, Charlotte, U.S.A.
Download article in: Proceedings of 15:th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, June 7-9, 2017, Linköping, Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 144:27, p. 272-275
Published: 2017-12-20
ISBN: 978-91-7685-369-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Increasing attention of electromobility creates new opportunities and even requirements to electrify traditional work implements of mobile machinery. Four possible implement system architectures are presented and compared regarding energy efficiency performance in this paper. The goal of this work is to frame the upper and lower end of system value versus complexity characteristics. Thus, an electrically powered load sensing circuit, E-LS, serves as a reference system (low added complexity, low added value) while a four quadrant electrohydrostatic actuation, EHA, system (high added complexity, high added value) is found in the other end of the comparison. An electrically powered flow controlled system, E-IFC, and a electrically powered pump controlled system, E-PCA, are also investigated in the same framework to make the study comprehensive. A two actuator wheel loader system and a short cycle loading drive cycle serves as the platform for comparison. The results yield a 45% reduction of energy consumption with the EHA system compared to the E-LS system. This is equivalent to 82% fuel efficiency improvement.
Hydraulics, Fluid Power, Electromobility, Efficiency, Electric Systems, Hybrid, e-LS, e-IFC, e-PCA,
References not available.