Stefan Sablatnög
University of Ulm, Germany
Stefan Enderle
University of Ulm, Germany
Mark Dettinger
University of Ulm, Germany
Thomas Boß
University of Ulm, Germany
Mohammad Livani
University of Ulm, Germany
Michael Dietz
University of Ulm, Germany
Jan Giebel
University of Ulm, Germany
Urban Meis
University of Ulm, Germany
Heiko Folkerts
University of Ulm, Germany
Alexander Neubeck
University of Ulm, Germany
Peter Schäffer
University of Ulm, Germany
Marcus Ritter
University of Ulm, Germany
Hans Braxmeier
University of Ulm, Germany
Diminik Maschke
University of Ulm, Germany
Gerhard Krætzschmar
University of Ulm, Germany
Jörg Kaiser
University of Ulm, Germany
Günther Palm
University of Ulm, Germany
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Published in: RobocCup-99 Team Descriptions. Simulation League
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 4:32, p. 144-148
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 4 4:32, p. 144-148
Published: 1999-12-15
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
In RoboCup-98; sparrows team worked hard just to get both a simulation and a middle size robot team to work and to successfully participate in a major tournament. For this year; we were in a better position to start some more serious research work. Aside of improvements in the robot hardware and an extension of the vision processing capabilities; we implemented a more complete version of our soccer agent architecture and made some progress in the areas player localization; environment modelling; and basic playing skills. For the latter; we started to apply learning techniques.
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