Conference article

Crafting Knowledge?

Anneli Palmsköld
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Johanna Rosenqvist
Linnaeus University, Sweden

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Published in: Current Issues in European Cultural Studies; June 15-17; Norrköping; Sweden 2011

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 115:9, p. 65-71

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Published: 2011-11-22

ISBN: 978-91-7519-993-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


”Crafting knowledge” was a session organised by Anneli Palmsköld and Johanna Rosenqvist; that took place in Norrköping; Sweden; 16 June 2011 as part of the International ACSIS Conferences Current Issues in European Cultural Studies. Together the scholars participating in the Crafting knowledge-session were covering a range of subfields of craft studies today.

The session focused on the explorative question of what an academic approach that put craft theory into practice and made craft practice into theory would consist of. This is also the main question asked in the paper “Crafting Knowledge?” that recapitulates and contextualises the outcome of the session.

The paper draws up tentative categories for how research in; on and through craft can be done. By framing the knowledge emerging from craft and crafting some theories and methods of crafting are discussed. The crafted artefact and the act of making can be considered from many different aspects; for example from an artistic; historical or aesthetical point of view. Conventions of craft; rules about its making; knowledge about and knowledge through craft and crafting are some of the themes presented in a broad scope of cultural studies.


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