Conference article

Trying to Make a Difference. Political Involvement in Everyday Life

Maria Zachariasson
Department of culture studies and oriental languages, University of Oslo, Norway

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Published in: Inter: A European Cultural Studies : Conference in Sweden 11-13 June 2007

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 157:68, p. 677-686

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Published: 2007-11-27


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


When the media writes about young people and political action; they usually focus on the big; spectacular demonstrations and protests. Those are the kind of political actions that are most visible to the public; and they thus get the most attention. In my study of political involvement among youth; based on interviews with young people in the Global Justice Movement; I show that many individuals see other; less visible ways of acting politically as just as important as the big manifestations. Seemingly trivial choices in everyday life; what you buy; what you eat; how you travel etc. are by them seen as political actions; in those cases when they are motivated by political opinions and values. To keep up a “politically aware” lifestyle is however not always easy.

In my paper I give examples of how the interviewed individuals reason around the connection between such inconspicuous actions; their political involvement and their long term goal to change the world.


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