Published: 2008-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to develop practical knowledge about the management of strategic improvement and increased effectiveness in health care systems.
Design/methodology/approach: In the study; we use an interactive research design. This means that researchers and practitioners collaborate on the various issues of the research project (problem analysis; discussions of empirical material; analysis and writing). Four main sub-projects concentrating on studying management and improvement of health care systems has been used in order to compile the findings.
Findings: In the study; we develop nine questions that are essential. These questions embrace important aspects that organizations should work with in order to succeed with improvement initiatives: These are: 1. How do we create awareness of the need for change? 2. What results do we expect from the improvement work? 3. What resources do we need in order to succeed in the improvement work? 4. How and where do we start the improvement work? 5. How do we work with the logistics of health care from a patient perspective? 6. How can we increase our organizational learning? 7. How do we create long-term thinking and commitment? 8. How do we design IT systems which support new and better work procedures? 9. What do we need to cease doing in our work?
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