Toru Yoshida
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan,
Masami Maekawa
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan,
Yoshio Tsuchida
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Yukari Nagai
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan,
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Published in: KEER2018, Go Green with Emotion. 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Malaysia
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 146:41, p. 379-389
Published: 2018-03-13
ISBN: 978-91-7685-314-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
To design and create architecture that serves the public, one of the foundations of architectural design is identifying and satisfying the demands placed on specific architecture. We constructed an observation model for identifying Kansei requirements applicable in the early stages of architectural design. For the observation model, we used a cognitive psychology based human model predicated on individual diversity. We also studied and referenced previous research on existing environmental psychology research methods, taking into account the features and limitations of each method. We then combined and developmentally applied them to a new observation model. We also focused on the potential of Kansei requirements, setting a requirement for a precise explanation that fit more closely with real conditions, and examined methods for prompting test subjects to think and speak subjectively. With this observation model for Kansei requirements specifications, we attempted observations and analyses. The test results confirmed that through freely chosen images with word prompts, the prompts encouraged speech and showed the potential for identifying Kansei requirements.