Saioa Herrero López
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa, Eibar, Spain
Susana López Perez
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa, Eibar, Spain
Itzal del Hoyo Arce
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa, Eibar, Spain
Iván Mesonero Dávila
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa, Eibar, Spain
Download article in: Proceedings of the 11th International Modelica Conference, Versailles, France, September 21-23, 2015
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 118:45, p. 419-426
Published: 2015-09-18
ISBN: 978-91-7685-955-1
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Two different dynamic models of a flat plate solar collector have been developed in the Modelica language under Dymola® software.
These models have been developed within the Ambassador Project (Onillon, 2014). In this project, models of district heating components are conducted for control purposes, including a solar plant model.
The present article describes in detail each of these models along with the development process (e.g., assumptions taken into account). The model validation process and results are also presented, as well as the corresponding discussion and conclusions. The model’s validation has been conducted by comparing the model’s simulation results with the experimental results obtained in the IK4-TEKNIKER Solar Thermal Test Rig (LER).
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