Care pathways are used in hospitals to manage the decision making and care processes across medical specialities. The latest innovation in hip replacement is a care pathway that enables a patient discharge on the day of surgery. While the clinical attributes have been well researched a detailed understanding of the organisation is missing. We apply business modelling to create an organisation model of the care pathway and translate the embedded knowledge to other hospitals. A case study was conducted of the outpatient THA care pathway at a teaching hospital in the Netherlands. We present two visual models of the critical phases of the care pathway, with which we add the organisational attributes to support adoption of the innovation to other hospitals. Designers design business models for services. However more examples of practice are needed to contribute to the knowledge base of business modelling toolkits. In this paper we apply business modelling in the domain of healthcare.
business model design, visual modelling, service pathway, healthcare, hospital, hip pathway.
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