Khim Chhantyal
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway
Håkon Viumdal
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway
Saba Mylvaganam
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway
Download article in: Proceedings of the 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 58) Reykjavik, Iceland, September 25th – 27th, 2017
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 138:51, p. 385-390
Published: 2017-09-27
ISBN: 978-91-7685-417-4
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
In drilling operations, non-Newtonian drilling fluid is
continuously circulated in a closed loop. One of the
ways to monitor and regulate drilling operations is by
accurately measuring the flow rate of circulating drilling
fluid before entering and after returning from the wellbore.
The circulating fluid flows in an open channel on the return
path from the wellbore. This work investigates the use of
Venturi constriction to estimate the non-Newtonian fluid
flow in an open channel. Based on the specific energy
principle, a relation between volumetric flow rate and
critical depth is developed, which is used to estimate the
flow rate based on the measured critical depth. To measure
a critical depth for a given flow rate, it is necessary to
locate a critical depth position in the Venturi flume. In this
study, the critical depth position is located using specific
energy diagram (at a minimum specific energy within the
Venturi constriction) and Froude Number approach (at a
Froude Number equals to 1). Based on the identified
critical depth, the flow conditions (subcritical, critical or
supercritical) along the Venturi flume are observed. The
location of the critical depth in the Venturi section is
found by performing experiments at 350 [kg/min] flow
rate of the fluid. Further, the developed critical depth flow
model is tested for randomly varying flow rates (250-500
[kg/min]) with the identified critical depth location. The
flow estimations of the model were within the acceptable
limit. However, it is found that the estimates for 350
[kg/min] are comparatively more accurate, which proves
that the critical depth and critical depth position depends
on the flow rate and rheological properties.
open channel Venturi flume, non-Newtonian
flow, critical depth, ultrasonic scanning of open channel