Christopher Bull
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
Dommy Asfiandy
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
Ann Gledson
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
Joseph Mellor
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
Samuel Couth
Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester, UK
Gemma Stringer
Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester, UK
Paul Rayson
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
Alistair Sutcliffe
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
John Keane
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
Xiaojun Zeng
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
Alistair Burns
Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester, UK
Iracema Leroi
Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester, UK
Clive Ballard
Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, King’s College London, UK
Pete Sawyer
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
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Published in: Proceedings of LREC 2016 Workshop. Resources and Processing of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data from People with Various Forms of Cognitive/Psychiatric Impairments (RaPID-2016), Monday 23rd of May 2016
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 128:6, p. 35 to 40
In this paper, we describe the open-source SAMS framework whose novelty lies in bringing together both data collection (keystrokes,
mouse movements, application pathways) and text collection (email, documents, diaries) and analysis methodologies. The aim of SAMS
is to provide a non-invasive method for large scale collection, secure storage, retrieval and analysis of an individual’s computer usage for
the detection of cognitive decline, and to infer whether this decline is consistent with the early stages of dementia. The framework will
allow evaluation and study by medical professionals in which data and textual features can be linked to deficits in cognitive domains that
are characteristic of dementia. Having described requirements gathering and ethical concerns in previous papers, here we focus on the
implementation of the data and text collection components.
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