Thierry Declerck
DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Department, Saarbruecken, Germany
Dagmar Gromann
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
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Published in: Proceedings of CHAT 2012: The 2nd Workshop on the Creation; Harmonization and Application of Terminology Resources; Co-located with TKE 2012; June 22; 2012; Madrid; Spain
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 72:6, p. 41-46
Published: 2012-06-11
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Within the context of the European research project "Monnet"; which implements among other activities ontology-based multilingual information extraction; we tackle the the issue of recognizing variants of concept labels in business reports that guide the information extraction process. In this short paper; we describe two related experiments in finding variants of multilingual taxonomy labels used in business reporting - across distinct reporting legislations and languages. A core taxonomy developed by the XBRL-Europe Association provides a starting point; as we map multilingual term variant candidates we extract from the web presence of relevant players in the field of business reporting to its labels.
1. Declerck;T.; Krieger; H.U.; Thomas; S.M.; Buitelaar; P.; O’Riain; S.; Wunnder; T.; Maguet; G.; McCrae; J.; Spohr; D.; Montiel-Ponsoda; E.: Ontology-based Multilingual Access to Financial Reports for Sharing Business Knowledge across Europe. In: Proceedings of MONTIFIC/ECQA Conference; September; Budapest (2012)
2. Wunner; T.; Buitelaar; P.; O’Riain; S.: Semantic; Terminological and Linguistic Interpretation of XBRL. In: Proceeding of EKAW; October; Lisbon (2010)
3. Declerck; T.; Lendvai; P.; Wunner; T.: Linguistic and Semantic Features of Textual Labels in Knowledge Representation Systems. In: Proceedings of ISA6; ISO/ACLSIGSEM Workshop; January; Oxford (2011)
4. McCrae; J.; Espinoza; M.; Montiel-Ponsoda; E.; Aguado-de- Cea; G.; Cimiano; P.: Combining statistical and semantic approaches to the translation of ontologies and taxonomies. In: Proceedings of the Fifth workshop on Syntax; Structure and Semantics in Statistical Translation (SSST-5); Portland (2011)
5. Aguado-de-Cea; G.; Montiel-Ponsoda; E.: Term variants in ontologies. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of AESLA; pp. 19-21 April; Spain; Lleida (2012)