Conference article

Automated synthesis of netlists for ternary-valued n-ary logic functions in CNTFET circuits

Halvor Nybø Risto
Ternary Research Group, Department of Science and Industry Systems, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

Steven Bos
Ternary Research Group, Department of Science and Industry Systems, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

Henning Gundersen
Ternary Research Group, Department of Science and Industry Systems, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

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Published in: Proceedings of The 61st SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2020, September 22-24, Virtual Conference, Finland

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 63:66, p. 483-485

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Published: 2021-03-03

ISBN: 978-91-7929-731-2

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper is an investigation of automated netlist synthesis for ternary-valued n-ary logic functions, based on a static ternary gate design methodology. We present an open-source C++ implementation, which outputs a ready-to-simulate SPICE subcircuit netlist ?le for ternary-valued n-ary function circuits. A circuit schematic of the 3-operand carry is demonstrated as synthesized by the netlist generator. We investigate a holistic (non-compound) approach to designing balanced full-adders by using 3-operand functions as compared to a traditional 2-operand compound design methodology. Three gate-level design approaches (compound, non-compound and hybrid) for the balanced full-adder have been simulated in HSPICE and are compared to each other and the state-of-the-art with simulation results. Furthermore, we propose to standardize the ternary functions by indexing them. This indexing system allows for the convenience of referencing any possible logic function with no ambiguity. This indexing is necessary as most ternary functions do not have semantic names (e.g. AND, OR) and the amount of unique 3-valued functions grows exponentially with higher arity.


ternary, netlist, synthesis, simulation


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