Tony Barrera
Cycore AB, Sweden
Anders Hast
Creative Media Lab, University of Gävle, Sweden
Ewert Bengtsson
Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University, Sweden
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Published in: Special Effects and Rendering. Proceedings from SIGRAD 2002; Linköpings universitet; Norrköping; Sweden; November 28th and 29th; 2002
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 7:8, p. 43-48
Published: 2002-11-28
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Shading makes faceted objects appear smooth. However; the contour will still appear non smooth. Subdivision schemes can handle this problem by introducing new polygons in the mesh. The disadvantage is that a more complex mesh takes more time to render than a simple one. We propose a new method for constructing a curvilinear mesh using quadratic curves with near least square acceleration. This mesh could be used for subsequent subdivision of the surface. This can be done on the fly; at least in software rendering; depending on the curvature of the contour. The advantage is that new polygons are only inserted where needed. However; in this paper we will focus on how such curvilinear mesh can be constructed using vertex points and vertex normals for each polygon. Thus; information about neighboring polygons are not needed and on the fly subdivision is made easier.
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