Thomas Braig
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts, Germany
Jörg Ungethüm
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts, Germany
Download article in: Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference; Como; Italy; 20-22 September 2009
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 43:83, p. 708-715
Published: 2009-12-29
ISBN: 978-91-7393-513-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The reduction of automotive fuel consumption is a major challenge of automotive OEMs and suppliers. It is expected; that during the next decade the majority of vehicles will still be driven by internal combustion engines (ICE). As a rule of thumb about 2/3 of the fuel energy fed to the engine is converted into heat and is used only occasionally and only partly for heating the interior. One promising technology to convert exhaust heat into usable electric energy is the thermoelectric generator (TEG) [1]. As this component has significant retroactive effects on the automotive system; a system-level model of the car was developed to calculate the net benefit of the TEG for steady-state operating-points as well as for dynamic driving cycles.
This paper presents a model and simulation results of an ICE-powered vehicle with thermoelectric waste heat-utilization. The model uses component models of the AlternativeVehicles-; VehicleInterfaces-; PowerTrain-and YaFluid-Library.
[1] Friedrich; Treffinger; Müller: Management von Sekundärenergie und Energiewandlung von Verlustwärmeströmen. ATZ/MTZKonferenz – Energie; München; 2007
[2] Treffinger; Häfele; Weiler; Eder; Richter; Mazar: Energierückgewinnung durch Wandlung von Abwärme in Nutzenergie (Recovery of energy through conversion of waste heat); Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe; Dresden; 2008
[3] Eschenbach; Ungethüm; Treffinger: Vehicle model for transient simulation of a wasteheat-utilisation-unit containing extended PowerTrain and Fluid library components; 5th International Modelica Conference; Vienna; 2006
[4] Shah; Sekulic: Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design; John Wiley and Sons; Hoboken; 2003.
[5] Ungethüm; Hülsebusch: Implementation of a Modelica Library for Smooth Spline Approximation; 7th International Modelica Conference; Como; 2009
[6] M. André: Real-world Driving Cycles for Measuring Cars Pollutant Emissions. Part A: The Artemis European Driving Cycle. Institut National de Recherche surles Transports et leur Securité (INRETS); Bron; 2004