Conference article

Size Rate of an Alternatives Aggregation Petri net developed under a Modular Approach

Juan-Ignacio Latorre-Biel
Department of Mechanical Energetic and Materials Engineering, Public University of Navarre, Spain

Emilio Jiménez-Macías
High Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of La Rioja, Spain

Julio Blanco
High Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of La Rioja, Spain

Mercedes Perez
High Technical School of Industrial Engineering, University of La Rioja, Spain

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Published in: Proceedings of The 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2016, The 57th SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2016

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 142:91, p. 626-631

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Published: 2018-12-19

ISBN: 978-91-7685-399-3

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Petri nets allow describing formal models of discrete event systems, which might show counterintuitive behaviors. The design of a discrete event system, composed by known subsystems, requires the definition of the interrelations between them. This feature can be modeled in the structure of the Petri net by arcs and link transitions. The choice of the best configuration might be a hard problem to solve due to the foreseeable combinatorial explosion. In order to alleviate the computer resources required for exploring the different feasible combinations of the subnets, a single model with exclusive entities can be developed by an alternatives aggregation Petri net. In this paper the construction of such a model with four subnets and certain precedence constrain is discussed. Also, a reduction in the size of the amount of required information for describing the alternative structural configurations is calculated for different sizes of the subnets.


Petri nets, modelling and simulation, modular design, alternative structural configuration, decision support system


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