Conference article

The Cost-Effective Appela of Crossover B-Car Interiors to Consumers

Kai-Shuan Shen
TOKO University, Taiwan

Kuo-Hsiang Chen
I-Shou University, Taiwan

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Published in: KEER2014. Proceedings of the 5th Kanesi Engineering and Emotion Research; International Conference; Linköping; Sweden; June 11-13

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 76:10, p. 127-140

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Published: 2014-06-11

ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


The design of a crossover B-car interior was used to explore the relationship between marketing considerations; survey participants’ emotional responses; and product design. Research methodology was based on Kansei Engineering. Seventeen experts with professional automotive knowledge; including editors of car magazines and experienced car users were interviewed using the Evaluation Grid Method (EGM) about their preferences and reactions to interior design schemes of crossover B-cars. Additionally; automobile consumers were surveyed through a questionnaire used to ascertain participants’ participants’ preferences for pictures depicting design elements of crossover B-car interiors. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using Quantification Theory Type I. According to the interviews of the experts; the tow cost-effective; more appealing items relating to crossover B-car interior; as determined by the semantic structure of EGM; were “economical and practical” and “customized for consumers needs”. In addition; the two interior items were related to particular reasons and detail design elements found in the analysis of the questionnaire using Quantification Theory Type I. The current study suggests that specific products in this case car interiors;and their design are related to consumers’ motivations about cost-effectiveness; functionality; and form. Additionally; the study demonstrates that consumer preferences and motivations influence their responses to specific design schemes.


Cost-effectiveness; Appeal; Car Interior Design; Consumer Psychology; Kansei Engineering; EGM; Quantification Theory Type I


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